How much does it cost to start a high end fashion brand?
Most fashion start ups cost around 2 - 3 million to get off the ground, money is usually spent on production costs, staff, advertisement, legal fees, taxes, website design and office space rent. Fashion is such a expensive industry to start in, so it can be hard for small designers to start. However it is possible to start your own brand with just $5,000 - $10,000 it's very important to save up or fund raise the money to start up your brand so that you don't get into debt with a small loan this could put added pressure on the company in its initial start up phase. Lets break down everything you need So assuming that you already have an idea for your collection the first step would be to get a professional fashion designer to help you with your design this will insure that the designs you are producing will be suitable for your target market whilst also trendy. A good fashion designer will understand how clothes are constructed and should be able to design garments that...