Why is fashion important to you?

In general, fashion is important because it reflects every culture in the world. It was a way to create different social groups and be differenciated according to your status (I am not saying it’s a good thing but it is what it is). Our first clothes existed to protect our body from harm and cold. It slowly turned into an industry - from jewellery to shoes and clothes. We do not wear the same clothes through the centuries so fashion trends have always been a thing. I think people feel overwhelmed when it comes to fashion because it is fast and trends are everytime shorter but it is just following our digital world where everything goes faster.
Nowadays, fashion is still a mean or recognition for your status or social group in a way or another. What I mean is that fashion is a way of self-expression - you can either choose to play with it or let others decide what your outfit tells about you.
More than self-expression, fashion is a mean of self-empowerment and confidence. My clothes would change something within me - sometimes I will feel more comfortable, confident with myself because I am wearing a specific pair of shoes or an outfit. Go on shopping to find new outfits is to me self-care time and I can pampered myself. I feel very satisfied whenever I wear something I truly like, I feel good in it and it helps me to build my confidence and my self-esteem. The best in fashion for me: I am who I am, I show to the world who I am and I feel more confident about it.
Fashion is important because it can open our mind and change beauty standards of our society. Fashion evolves with our world and reacts to our current history and to our constant globalization.


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