What is the key point of the fashion business?

Few key points would be
  1. To solve a certain aspect/problem: It can be anything. The question is: What is still missing and why? This pretty much covers everything, but I’ve decided to list couple more, just to open things up a bit.

  1. Being creative: As a designer or pattern maker, having your creation fully finished and bought by someone is a sensational feeling. By selling the designs, you can continue.

  1. Being innovative: Sort of the same as solving a problem, but spicing things up with innovation, such as technology and new smart textiles into the fashion business.

  1. Making money: Of course in the end of the day, you start a fashion business for money. But some designers and retailers have started the business for a better cause, and having bills paid by it, is a bonus. 

  1. Changing the industry: E.g. Swapping fur to friendlier option, or being sustainable and promoting ‘slow-fashion’. This often starts as a hobby/blog/small business, and eventually becomes a full-time job.

  1. Respond to demand: Sometimes person who starts a fashion business is the person in need of certain style/price group of clothing and sees that he/she is not the only one. Sometimes, it’s the data collected online. There are people shopping online, not only because it’s easy, but also because certain fashion items are not available — in the country! So one point might be to respond to this demand.

I think these are the key points, but there are hundreds of other reasons, why people start and run fashion businesses.


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