What are top things to think of when creating a fashion brand?
Firstly before you invest in this I believe there are several crucial things to ask yourself:
1) What Make You Any Different? How does your brand differ, are there more similaries than there are differences? Because if there is, you need to find something that gives you an edge, makes you unique, in order to stand apart from the MILLIONS of other brands. Find what it is and stick to it - never waiver.
2) Are You Ready To Invest Your Entire Life Into This? You won't have any time for socializing, keeping family time to a minimum, let alone hobbies. If you want to be successful, fast, you must sacrifice these. You must focus and put all of your time and energy into this.
3) Are You Prepared To Make Some Tough Decisions? You'll need to hire some good people and let some not so good go. You'll have to be strict and strong, with the people you work with and yourself.
4) BE PATIENT. At times your goal may seem unachievable and feel a million miles away. And when you struggle, you may ask yourself what is the point? You may not be moving at warp speed, but if you take baby steps you'll start moving in the right direction.
IF you really are having doubts, take a step back and think about how far you've come.
5) NEVER Underestimate Word By Mouth A reputation can take a lifetime to build and seconds to destroy. Contacts are essential, get your brand out there - social media is a fantastic, free platform that every brand should take advantage of.
Share out responsibility, assign roles - But make sure either yourself or someone you trust is in control and overlooks the whole things.
Always keep an eye on your goal and remember Rome wasn't built in a day.
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