How to Create a Tech Pack for Your Fashion Line

Cover Page
The Cover Page houses the basic front and back view of the style. These sketches should have a white or transparent fill, and not contain color or print. The sketches can be computer generated, hand drawn, or photographs. An important concept to be mindful of is to make sure that the image is proportional and clean, meaning they should not be stylized.
Inspiration Page
The Inspiration Page houses any image(s) which helped create the original style. If the factory is to be the source of the pattern, the image(s) may help the factory create the pattern and reach the designer’s desired aesthetic. Inspiration images may contain whole garments or detail pictures, such as close up photos of a pocket or collar. An explanation of why the inspiration image is important may also be needed so the correct aspect of the image is conveyed in the style.
Callouts Page
The Callouts Page is used to articulate the type of construction and design details that should be used when constructing the garment. Be sure to use arrows to clearly mark what type of construction is to be used where. Also be sure that the factory understands any special phrases or acronyms that may be used to abbreviate words.
Print-Fabric Placement Page
The Print-Fabric Placement Page is used to indicate where you would like print and/or fabric.  The front and back sketch of the style is colored in relation to a color key at the bottom of the page. This color key makes it very easy to distinguish the desired placement for each type of fabric. Prints could also be used to convey the placement of fabrics; such as one fabric being dots,
and one fabric being stripes. Just make sure to clearly label the key.
Colorway Page
The Colorway Page identifies the colors which are to be used in the design. The current tab format includes several areas to input color information, and grids can be easily copied and pasted to create more information areas. Each color area contains sections for the color name, color number, and color swatch. The color number may be the pantone color number or an original
number. If any other information is needed, simply edit the format so there are more columns in each information area.
This page may also hold print colorways if the design is not going to be one solid color. A true to size print out with color key may also/or instead be needed to identify each color in the print.
Bill of Materials Page
The Bill of Materials Page; also known as the BOM, is comprised of all materials used in constructing the garment. There are five main sections contained in this tab, which are as follows: Fabrics, Trims, Labels, and Packaging.
In each section there are five types of information that can be identified. This information includes Placment (where the material will be used or in what position it will be sewn into the garment), Comments (any extra means that are necessary to understanding the use of the material), Material (the fiber content, identification number, or substance the material is made of), Supplier (the provider of the goods), Color Number ( the item color to be used).
Fold Page
The Fold Page expresses how the garment should be folded and packed. This pack will then be shipped to the desired destination. This page should contain a series of sketches showing the step by step process of folding and packing a shirt. Each sketch has a description for easy directional reference. If sketches cannot be created, a series of step by step photos with explanations would be an acceptable alternative. A description without any supporting images can also be used, however the explanations need to be very clear and easy to follow.
there are other ways to create a tech pack for your fashion line, click here.


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