The Important Step in Making Progress-Business Operations

Business Operations

Once you’re in the right mindset and you’ve made that mental and emotional shift, you can start to think about your actual business operations. The way you run your business is integral to making real progress. Otherwise, feeling overwhelmed and lacking focus will constantly throw you off your game.
So what are the important components of business operations as they apply to making progress? Well, avoiding over-planning and over-analyzing, identifying procrastination when it’s happening, and getting help with making things happen.
  • Avoid over-planning and over-analyzing: The goal here is to plan enough to get started but don’t get caught up on the perfect, super detailed plan. You don’t need to have it all figured out to get started. Also, while analyzing is important, it should come after taking action. Analyze what worked and what didn’t for moving forward rather than trying to analyze all the “what if’s” before you take action.

  • Procrastination: A big part of procrastination is that people often don’t spend any time figure out their work style. Take the time to identify your ideal work situation so that you can put yourself in the environment in which you feel most inspired.
    • Do you love to be around a lot of people or do you prefer a quiet, cozy office space?
    • Do you like to work from home or would you like to have an office or a co-working membership?
    • Do you enjoy talking to people when you have an idea or do you prefer to let the idea stew a bit before asking people for their input?
    • Do you like to focus on one specific area for a day and then something else another day, i.e. “Tuesday are my writing days.”?

  • Procrastination, part 2: another great way to push past procrastination is to reward yourself. Whatever that looks like for you. From buying something new to giving yourself two guilt-free hours on the couch reading your favorite magazine, figure out what little treats you will give yourself once you make a certain amount of progress. Make it a game.


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